Self Sustaining Spring

This spring, we at Sprinkles and Allergies are challenging ourselves to be more Self Sustaining. Take our challenge for Self Sustainable Spring at Sprinkles & Allergies by planting at least one herb, vegetable, or fruit plant this spring. Join us and share your progress! We’d love to know what you’re doing to make a greener spring. Know where your food comes from by growing some of it yourself.

Our indoor garden is preparing for an outdoor move very soon. The usual whispers of spring were anything but quiet this year. Explosions of blossoms, birds, buzzing, and furry creatures started weeks ago here, which is much more than I could have hoped for in previously notorious bitter cold February and March. A mild winter means a wild spring–a time for initiating self sustainable gardens, compost, and overall renewal. Though we live in a small apartment, it’s still surprisingly doable, mostly thanks to our large bay windows and balcony. We love breathing in the fresh wisps of spring.

We’ve been growing Basil and Arugula from the seed for about a week and a half now. I can’t believe how much the Arugula has shot up in such a short time. This week, we’ll be planting some broccoli and parsley to go along with the other plants since our Kale tree seems to be on the fritz after the winter months.

Above, our Arugala is thriving but tending to lean more towards the sun. We’ll be moving it outdoors to the balcony soon where it can grow stronger in the full sun. Below, our baby basil are starting to peek through the moist soil.

This plant has special meaning to us.

Over a year ago, Yan surprised me with a beautiful flowering plant called a Kalanchoe. The day he got it for me marked the first month of our relationship together. This little tree-like gem has been through a lot, even having been knocked clear off our balcony and ripped out of the pot during a nasty thunderstorm last summer. Today it still grows strong and is beginning to show signs of blossoming again for the spring. I think we’ll need a bigger planter for it soon as it’s been growing out of control lately! The flower meaning of Kalanchoe is endurance and lasting affection. When asking Yan if he knew this today, he said “Well…uh…of course!! That’s the reason I got this one! Yeah!” Nice try Yan 😉

Here’s a short video of our small indoor garden. I find tending to it to be full of meditation and relaxation while connecting back to the simplest roots of things.

A Self Sustainable Spring starts now! Take the challenge and plant something. Let us know about it here!

Check out our fall indoor herb garden here.


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