Spice it Up

It’s no secret that restricted diets can get a little repetitive. Switching things up with big, bold flavors can really make a big difference in the food that you can eat. Here are my favorite spices for awesome flavors and health benefits.

(Graphics by me, with the help of stock images from dreamstime.com)

  1. Rosemary — It has such an earthy flavor that I love. Try sprinkling it on salmon with a squeeze of lemon before cooking it. It’s a good source of Vitamin E, boosts the immune system, improves circulation, has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-oxidant properties. Read more about the health benefits of rosemary here.
  2. Fresh Dill — I add dill to everything these days, including salads, fish, buckwheat, and quinoa. My boyfriend, being from Belarus, loves adding dill to baked potatoes, mashed potatoes…well pretty much everything potato. Read about dill’s health benefits here.
  3. Fresh ParsleyParsley is one of the best things you can eat. Not only is it delicious to add to homemade pasta sauce and tons of other dishes, it’s super high in Vitamin C, Vitamin K and anti-oxidants.
  4. Cinnamon — One of my favorites! I add it to my pancakes, butternut squash soup, and make cinnamon tea. It can help lower bad cholesterol, has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, can help improve memory, and can also help to regulate blood glucose levels.
  5. Sage and Thyme — I use both on veggies, meat, fish, and pasta..okay I use it to give more flavor to pretty much anything. They also have great anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  6. Fresh Mint — I drink fresh mint tea every few days, but I especially find it best after I’ve had an accidental allergic reaction or gluten issue. It is amazing for helping settle and upset stomach.
  7. Cayenne Pepper — Very good anti-inflammatory properties, good for detoxing the body, and even fights cancer. Read more about it’s amazing health benefits here.
  8. Crushed Red Pepper — Good source of Vitamins A, B, and C among other things. I love spicy, flavorful food, and crushed red pepper always helps to add a nice kick to my dishes.

What are your favorite herbs and spices, or ways to jazz up your food?

Our Indoor Herb-garden

Serenity is:

An organic indoor herb-garden over the coming winter.


-Jeweled mirror from my sister, from here

-Flatleaf Parsley-

-Our lemony basil plant on it’s way back to life. Inside after a cold October frost on the balcony-

-New baby basil sprouts-

-Antique silver tray houses our lemony basil plant-

-Sparkling lights along the window-

-Our stylish scarecrow keeps watch over the balcony-