A New Leaf

I want to talk a little candid today.

I have a bone to pick. With myself. Too often in the past, I’ve only used the new year opportunity to make resolutions. But I really have to be honest here. Sometimes I’m not too thrilled with some of my habits and the way I’ve been operating as of late.

In the past, despite having some existing health issues, I’ve been content to indulge in some unhealthy habits such as bumming the occassional cigar from a friend, having that extra cocktail to take the edge off a long week at the office, and simply wishing some things would magically change without me having to do anything to make that happen. I’m calling foul on myself here and taking the big step out of a rut I’ve been sitting in for awhile. Why is it so easy to know what’s healthy but still choosing a road that might not reflect that? I’m not saying I or anyone else has to be perfect in this regard, but some indulgences I think I’d be much better off without.

Health and wellbeing is more than just eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. I’ve been turning a blind eye to some of the other aspects of my life that need some streamlining and balance, so I’m not waiting for the new year to turn over a new leaf. No matter how cliche it might sound, now is always the right time. I’m challenging myself to break some bad habits for good. Here are my goals:

  1. Choosing the career path that best reflects my passions.
  2. Saying NO to overindulging in unhealthy distractions.
  3. Turning off the cable TV and getting a move on! I have a nasty habit of plopping down on the cushy couch after work and blaming it on the imaginary force field which sucks me into the slump. It’s not my fault, right!?….Wrong.
  4. Getting it organized to make it a reality. I’ve got some big ideas floating around in my head, but that’s a big problem. They’re just floating there. Writing them down, planning them out, and making it happen isn’t going to happen on it’s own. There’s no better time than the here and now.
  5. Practicing Mind, Body, and Spirit. Cranking up the green juices, healing smoothies, yoga, meditation, and brain exercises is happening, starting now. In the words of the powerful Kris Carr, “What we Eat, Drink, and Think matters.”

Along with some personal changes I’ll be making, there will be some changes here on the blog. What’s older on the site is going to be new and fresh, with some updated content and new photography. Be sure to check back in my older posts to see some new stuff. It feels great to make some resolutions because of myself instead of a new year. There’s no better reason if you ask me. Health is wealth.


Two Thousand Twelve

Let your little light shine a little brighter this year!

 I’m not one to dwell on the past at the start of this year, so I’ll start right off charging full speed ahead. We kicked the year off right and I’m so excited to see what it holds in store for us all. Good things are ahead, I can feel it.

This is the first year I’ve actually written down physically on a piece of paper my aspirations for the new year. I’ve hung the page in the apartment where I can see it each day of the year as a reminder to stay on track. Here’s a few of my favorite points from the page I wrote:


Wishing you a bright, magical 2012.

Remember this year, that you are much stronger than you know.

My new favorite toast of 2012 that I shared with Yan on New Year’s Eve:

A toast to many things”.